5 SEO Mistakes That most Bloggers Make

Thu 2 May 2019


6:34 pm

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5 SEO Mistakes That most Bloggers Make

As we all know that over two decades digital marketing is on the top of being famous everywhere. Due to its algorithm which is changing every now. And then the stock of wrong information is spreading throughout the digital marketing world. Sometimes we do such mistakes that do our loss in our SEO and content marketing management strategies.



What are the common mistakes that you are repeating when writing the blog?


The position will be taken by search of keywords while maintaining the internal content of the marketing campaign. Because of rising in the number of unlimited searches whether it is related to education or any other thing and they also learn more about machine technology.

The business objectives that are set by you should be joined with all on-site content that should be linked by the title of the topic. And search keywords have done by you. While doing search people mostly begin with the query words like how, what, when, where and why.

Through using keywords there is a connection between the user’s aim of finding any information. For doing on-site blogs you must focus on long-tail informational keyword phrases.


Lack of consistency in internal links is one of the reasons for SEO optimization. And serious issues can frequently occur on SEO agency websites. There are some functions of proper internal linking for SEO:

  • It creates the course for the users to find the way to your website
  • Hence it increases in the number of people who visit the particular website frequently.
  • It depicts your site design and your most important web pages to search engines.


  • In digital marketing, it is important to write for readers and not search engines. As we all know that people don’t like to read long content so we have to keep our content light. We should have to keep the content light and attractive.
  • Use of meta tags that will clarify a clear purpose of writing article
  • The interesting title should be there to attract many people
  • Inserting meaningful phrases and animated GIFs and videos.
  • Making your content visually attractive by utilizing white space properly and inserting images.


Bloggers usually do the mistake of not paying attention to images and videos optimization. Most common load time mistakes that worsen SEO performance are unfeatured image file formats and sizes. The images which are post on the sites should be formatted as .jpg and all the other vector images as the .png.  Host all of your video files in a single folder. It creates a video site map for search engines to index your videos.


Follow these steps to uphold content and allow them to multiple over social media:

  • You should have high-ranking members of your organization to deal out and encourage a piece of content.
  • You must contact influencers over social media to share content and should contact websites that are associated with related content in history.
  • Run a compensated ad operation over social media to place content directly in front of targeted viewers.
  • Content endorsement involves thorough audience study.

Conclusion –

There are several SEO agencies and most of the content marketers who often their clients to tell about the technical and the on-site errors that they are making. For the reason, there are several little realism to take a step back.

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