8 Mistakes to avoid during Social Media Marketing

Sat 31 Oct 2020


3:14 pm

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social media mistakes

Social media marketing is a huge potential asset to businesses, nonprofits, and organizations of all kinds. You can reach new users, build up loyal and engaged followings, and continually connect and interact with your target audience without technically needing to pay a dime. It’s free, there’s not really a learning curve involved, and it’s easy to get started whenever you’re ready.  While there are a few brands who really step outside the box and find unique ways to derail their social media marketing , most are making the same common, seemingly-innocent mistakes over and over again. And though a small mistake like failing to optimize your content isn’t nearly as inflammatory as a brand posting something overtly political or insensitive, it can actually impact you long-term almost as much.

Here we are providing some of the pitfalls that should be avoided during social media marketing. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the 8 devastating-but-common social media mistakes that we see happening over and over again. And effective tactics to avoid them. If you are facing any issues during posting on social media then get in touch with web designing company.

  1. Not having a social media strategy

You should always know why you are posting something and which goals you want to attain with it. If there’s no strategy you can easily make following mistakes…

  1. Not posting enough updates

Make sure you post regularly on all your social networks. It takes a time to build a loyal audience. Frequent and relevant posts will create brand awareness, and people will get to know your brand.

The average amount of posts depends on your social media optimization strategy, but here are some guidelines:

  • 5 Instagram posts a day
  • 2 Facebook posts a day
  • 3 Twitter posts a day
  • 5 Pinterest posts a day
  1. Copy-paste on all social networks

Each social network has its limitations, unique users, strategies, do’s and don’t and so on. Facebook is mostly for sharing moments with friends, LinkedIn for professionals and on Pinterest you reach mainly women. Also, posts on Twitter, for example, are limited to 140 characters. Don’t copy-paste the same posts. Each channel should have its own strategy and its adapted posts.


  1. One-way traffic

Imagine only you or the other one speaking during a conversation. The purpose of social media should be a two-way communication. Make sure you keep the conversation going and listen well to your customer.

  1. Ignore comments

Many companies focus primarily on their own posts and forget to respond to comments from fans. Social media are the perfect way to enter into dialogue with prospects and customers. If you keep ignoring reactions and complaints, it will be missed opportunities for your business.

  1. Too much advertising on social media

Although you want to increase your sales, you should be careful with posting too much advertising. Keep fans excited and apply the 20/80-rule: 20% of your content should be advertisements while 80% of your content should have added value for your fans.

  1. Too much of sharing

Sharing other’s messages and articles is important. But only sharing other people’s content and posting less content on your own, may send the message to the fans that your brand doesn’t add a lot of value.

  1. Lack of call to actions

Of course, you would like your visitors to do something besides just read your posts and leave. You would like them to subscribe to a newsletter, download something, share something, view a demo, request for information, visit your site, take advantage of an offer. Without a call to action, you are missing out on these opportunities.

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