Causes of failure in small business customer

Mon 28 Apr 2014


2:21 pm

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Causes of failure in small business customer

In large companies there is no issue related to communication there is have individual branch for individual work. So there is no system of unbalanced. But when we talk about the small business then many problems are occur if there is no proper management. So here we discussed about those point which makes question mark in the Small scale business –

• Never use the effortless tricks and process in your business growth, grab the niche marketing concept to improve business profit.
• Present time customer wants instant result so never ignore a single customer in their business.
• In the technological era don’t ignore the importance of telephone because it is the medium to give the answer to client in the proper way.
• Helping to the employee time to time because it improves the level of interaction with client.
• Normally people not give the exact feedback of your service so use the other attractive alternative for feedback.
• Always a proper feedback by client helps you to judge or determine your services.

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