Deadly Mistakes in Website Design to Avoid

Sat 19 Dec 2015


4:44 pm

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Deadly Mistakes in Website Design to Avoid


Every Enterprise has their Website for Increase the productively or Marketing. But do you know that there are many of goof mistakes, Websites designers make at the time of designing the website? And these silly and tiny mistakes affect the goodwill of enterprise in the market, and the important thing is that enterprise is unaware from these mistakes. They only notice that why their website is not increasing their market value.

So in today’s blog, we  gathered certain topics for you, that what kind of tiny mistakes can affect your enterprises market value.

1. A major thing in a website is to Contact Us an option because it is the only way by which a user can get in touch with you and if you are selling any kind of product that it becomes very necessary for your marketing purpose. Instead of writing your contact information at every page or somewhere, just create a page where you should keep your whole contact information and make a link of “Contact Us”, which directly take a visitor to your information page.

2. Check your whole website at least weekly basis that everything is working properly or not because sometimes “Broken links” like 404 Error etc make a bad effect on user regard to your website. If it’s possible then comprise a “Contact to Webmaster” link to your website, so by this user can easily let you know that your websites’ links are not working properly.

3. Make sure that your website should update on regular basis because an outdated information or content can affects your website in a bad way.

4. Don’t a use headlines direct which gives the knowledge about your service, firstly try to comprise a castor into your website then give them knowledge about your product.

5. Never forget that speed matters a lot because if your user gets a good speed of loading your website just within seconds to reach next pages than it’s damn sure that he will like to visit your pages again and again.

6. Without using SEO, your website is like an empty container because SEO is the way to bring your website in viewer’s sight. SEO helps to make your website in good rank according to Google ranking.

7. Don’t use video and images which are too long because it affects the loading time of a page.

SO now make sure that anywhere you are not doing these mistakes with your website. Follow these simple rules and see how your marketing will increase.



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