10 Different SEO Approaches

Thu 28 Feb 2019


4:35 pm

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SEO Approaches

In modern days, the web has gotten so competitive. This is the reason that every business is looking for a much better way to gain traffic to their website as compared to the other online business. How your website is targeting your audiences it all depends on how well your website is optimized at the time of the SEO. We all know that SEO is the way by which you can get the targeted audience to your website. Without SEO it is not so possible for your website.

Hence there are some plenty of the techniques that you can opt to get prospective customers. But if you want to get proper optimization of your website for the high ranking in the search engines then SEO is the best source for making qualified traffic to your website. Below mention is some of the most proven ways that will help you to improve the visibility of your website. Follow these steps and see the change in the ranking of your website.


1. Choose Reliable Hosting Provider


It is the most important factor in better SEO performance. So choose the reliable and trusted hosting provider for boosting the SEO performance for your website. WordPress is the hosting providers that can take care of the site’s speed and it protects the online fraud. WordPress secure your sites from an online attack.

By this, your website will be safe from any malware and fraud attack. There are many WordPress hosting providers who are very popular. With the help of the WordPress hosting provider, your page will load with a speed of 800 ms. It delivers the best and professional technical support to its customers.

2. SEO-Friendly Themes

seo themes

Nowadays WordPress is in the demand. There has the growing community of the WordPress designer, developers, and marketplaces provide enough tools that are needed for the quick and code-free development of the site. Therefore the process of the site launch and optimization gets quicker if you use the right ready-made solutions for this purpose. With the help of the huge collection of the business WordPress themes, a person can find the pre-designed options that will meet your personal preferences.

Hence the WordPress provide you with the well coded and as well as the SEO friendly skin that will keep the audience engaged with the website for a long time. When you are selecting the theme, then give priority to the theme which is SEO friendly and keep SEO in mind when you are selecting anything.

3. Mobile Friendly Website

mobile friendly

Hence we all know that nowadays people are giving more priority to their mobile devices as compared to the laptops and PC. So, try to ensure that your website will be mobile friendly. When people need to look for the information they give preference to mobile devices. This is the main reason to make your website mobile friendly. Hence ensure that the data will be a load on the small screen devices perfectly and with the proper needed speed.

The layout of your website must be oriented with the flawless performance on the small screen size and make the focus on the essential piece of the data. Web designing company in Jaipur make the relevant design of your website to make it compatible with the mobile also. The SEO company takes care of the quality assurance of the website with improving the process and by monitoring it.

4. Optimize Text with Keywords


When you optimize the content of your site with the keywords then it will make a plus point that your website will become much noticeable. Consider SEO tactics before writing content. It will help to write appropriate and valid content. We all know that a keyword is a word and the phrase that is used to describe the topic of the particular page.

Hence the keywords are used for the SEO of separate web pages, specific articles and for the entire websites. You can simply use the keywords in the titles of the page, headings and the subheadings as well as in the content of the site.

5. Make the Descriptive Permalinks


Permalinks refer to the URL addresses that point to the individual posts, pages and the type of the content which are provided by your site.  To get more and more traffic to your website what you have to do? Then ensure that the permalinks are descriptive and easy to find. Include the target keyword but remember that doesn’t make it too long.

Therefore the WordPress allows you to add the custom permalinks to your pages and articles as you work in the admin panel. You can make the unique permalinks with the help of the Yoast, it helps to get the top ranking on the search engines.

6. Optimize Your Images


The text contains is important for the website but visual content is just an important as text on your website. This is known by everyone that a single picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why it is said that image optimization is a very important part of the SEO strategy. Optimize the image which is related to your topic.

It will also help to bring traffic to your website. When you are adding the image write the description of the image and you can also include the keyword of the article what you are using in it. Do not forget the Alt text of the image.

7. Speedy Performance by Optimizing the Site’s Pages

speedy performance

Hence now we are moving on from the optimization of the visual content. Hence we are providing some of the tips that will help you to improve the speed on which your WordPress site pages to load.

  • The first step is that Install WordPress caching plugins to make your site 5-6 times faster.
  • As well as Keep your site updated.
  • Don’t display the full content of your articles on the homepage. Use excerpts instead.
  • At last break discussions below your blog posts into pages.

8. Include Structure to Your Site’s Content with Sitemaps and Heading Tags

heading tags

The sitemap should be well-structured articles bring a sense of order to your site. This will help to make your site’s pages easy to navigate for the web audience. For the reason, it helps the search engine better index your site’s pages. Therefore the sitemap represents the list of the pages. That is available on the site and provides visitors with quick access to your content. With the help of the tagging, you can improve the stricture of your site ’s page and the posts.

9. Add external and internal links to your content


If you will add the external and the internal links to your website. Then it will make the extra value of your site’s content. Hence indexing your webpage the search engine checks how well the content is connected. At that time it is checked that the links heading to the other posts of your site. As well a sit will check that there any reference to the external resources. This all matters when you will aim to achieve the best and better SEO results to get a successful top ranking.

10. Long Posts


At the time of the checking when Google decides how to rank your content. Then the length of your content is the major factor that Google notice first. Hence the longer posts are displayed higher in the SERP since they are considered more useful for the reader. Another fact is that if your posts are well-structured. Include relevant keywords, and contain the needed references. Then chances are that your WordPress site will hit the top of the search results. Try to write long content in a descriptive way.

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