10 Best Link Building SEO Techniques 2021

Tue 21 Sep 2021


7:59 pm

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10 Best Link Building SEO Techniques 2021

To rank any post in Google, it is necessary to do its Search Engine Optimization (SEO), or in such a situation, we should know what are the backlinks.

If you write the post keeping in mind the SEO on the page after choosing the right keywords, then 60% of the SEO work is over. Page SEO, in which the most important is backlinks.

1: Build a social media community

All the social network platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. There we have to create a community or stay connected with as many people as possible.. The advantage of this is that he will do whatever you post on social media, if it is known to you, then the chances of that post also increase. Share it too.

Online Community Banana requires you to do something that people like. or that people ask to join you. Its a simple way, help you or people as much as you can, as much as possible.  Back to us Do it even if you will not take anything from them but they will support you somewhere.

Or we should know that Google or other search engines optimization also notice social shares, so that they know how attractive the post is.

2: Search your same niche blogs

If you want high quality backlinks for your website, then for that you have to take a link from the website which matches the category of your blog.

Similar Site Search: This is an online website in which we can see other websites related to any website.

All Blogger List : Online If Somewhere Somebody Has Shared Blog Or Blogger List Then You Can See From Him.. Like Share Top Hindi Blogger List Category Wise Also On HMH.

From Google: Simply search your blog on Google, other blogs related to it will also come.

3: Blog Comment

This is the easiest way of link building, because in this we only have to make good comment related to the article we have read or give our link in their link section. Comment backlink is still the most popular in off page seo technique, cue not much work in this post. You have to take from the links and blogs on the website which is related to your keyword or topic. You can do a hi search on Google to find out.

4: Forum Posting

There is benefit of both backlink or traffic from the forum, then you also have a forum for this related to your category, to join or to help the people there. Before doing forum me link building, you also have to see whether the link you are giving is related to it or not.

5: Social Bookmarks

Sharing your post in social bookmarking sites can get a lot of traffic or backlinks along with it. So the suggestion will remain the same, after publishing the post, definitely share us on social bookmarking sites.

6: Blog Directory Submission

It is possible to create a backlink to submit your blog in all the high authority blog directories online.. Earlier it used to be popular, it is not found so much now.. But still a little better than nothing.. index the post quickly The benefit of having is more than that by guidance from web design company.

7: Search Engine Submission

It is also necessary to submit your blog to the popular search engine, so that they know where me of our blog or what is the content on it. You have to submit your blog on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, Alexa, AOL etc.

8: Article Submission Sites

Submit your unique content to article submission sites so we can quickly index them or get a good quality backlink.

9: RSS Feed Directory Submission

RSS feed directories are just a few of the blog submissions, this is what we have to submit the RSS feed of our blog, after which the person we publish any of our new posts will automatically appear in their directory. have been found.

10: Guest Posting

If you do guest post on your blog or blog related to the topic, then you will also get high quality backlinks or good traffic.

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