Google jump 90% if give the acceptance of India’s content removes request

Mon 30 Dec 2013


6:29 pm

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Google jump 90% if give the acceptance of India’s content removes request

If the Google give the acceptance to remove India’s some YouTube & video on the Google search engine then it can make the critical situation for the Google because it effect the Google internet around 90%. Many time Indian governments send this request to the goggle but it is still not accepted. Because according to India’s authorization in the goggle there are some unauthentic content are put.

Recently a case of Jammu Kashmir related to cyber crime government said to remove or change that content domain from but goggle reject this request. Around 5 request goggle get to change this content, because the cyber crime arise the fear between the people.

According to goggle chairman that we remove 64 video from YouTube, blogger, goggle+ & 1759 associated comment with them from internet search that are not follow the law of goggle. Also goggle gets the more privacy paper on internet search by court. So we can see easily that there is a lot of misconception. Till court result is not come goggle said it do not change the content matter.

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