It has been seen that most of the people without any security and scan of pendrive connect it with his computer. If you do so then be careful because researcher kasten Nal has caught such virus that can extract important information from your PC.
Directly attack on micro controller
According to kasten through oendrive hackers transfer this virus in another computer. Situated virus in pendrive directly attack on micro controller of PC. Just after attack whole programming is now in access of hacker. Now hacker can run the pc according to him. Even keys of keyboard may stop from working.
Antivirus has also failed to find
2 month before in black hat counsel of lass Vegas he named it bad USB. According to kasten just after connecting this USB into PC your computer cam corrupt and antivirus is still failed to find this virus.
Two friends of kasten has released code
Two other friends of kasten Adam and bainden Wilson has released code and told the trick of making bad USB through reverse engineering in a conference held in luzvile.