Blog Commenting and Link Building – You Must Know

Wed 1 Feb 2017


5:50 pm

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Blog Commenting and Link Building – You Must Know

To driven much more traffic and ever-growing audience on page/ website blog commenting most appropriate.

This day, Most of the bloggers do blog commenting for increasing buckling and driving traffic only.

Link building and blog commenting, help to get higher rank in Google search engine and always provide a top position in Google search result.

But, now thing come is, How to find blogs to comment on and for building links because a cause of having an automatic deletion of comment spam and no follow the rule of Google is too much hindrance for bloggers.

You might know or not, Blog commenting and SEO are highly interlinked, so you shouldn’t have to ignore it.

Blog commenting

Blog commenting is online marketing strategies, where blogger leaves their site link with a valuable comment in the comment section of another website, through that audience reach out on the site whoever needed.

If you will leave your site link in the comment section then it will be in spam, so to leave your site link you need to draw some experience, advance points on the topic.

Reason of lost popularity of blog commenting

Gluttony for backlinks: – Most of the reason for losing popularity of blog commenting is, this is used for a get higher link very blog they used to come across.

Social Media Platforms: – Cause of Social Media Platforms, a popularity of blog commenting is a decrease because often, a link is shared on the social media and people get too much active.


Still Importance of Blog Commenting

Building A Community: – bloggers are now using blog commenting not only for link building but also for driving more traffic to website/bloggers.

The reader reaches on the post link and comment, that thing encouraging to the bloggers and that make a community where the number of reader stays.

Increasing blogger’s Identity: – When a blogger making a comment on someone blog or site then, they will not only get a back link, in fact, thy getting noticed by the readers.


Blog Commenting Guide

Usefulness of blog commenting in A Nutshell

Establish connection with other bloggers in the same niche

Get quality backlinks for high PR blog commenting sites

Increase your reach and identity or brand value among your targeted audience.


Find Do Follow Blog Commenting Sites

You have to use Google and identify all the sites and blogs that belong to your niche. then you eliminate all those that do not have a great number of followers by checking out the comment section of different popular posts.








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