Delete a text message after sending it

Sat 6 Sep 2014


8:28 am

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At times it happens that you want to send the message another person but my mistake sends it to wrong person. Now it is obvious situation of fear in your mind that what would be the reaction of that person and wish that hope I could delete the message. You pray in your heart that that person should not read that message.

One effective app has arrived to resolve your problem. Well, if you want to remove message that has sent to receiver then this problem of you will solve with “Invisible text” app. This app will delete the message in a much less time that even receiver has not read that message.

To execute this task attach a timer with your message, it may be text message, audio, video and then in defined time of timer this message will delete automatically. This special app is designed mainly for IOS, blackberry and android users. To use this app this is essential that the person whom you are sending this type of message will also have this app invisible text. Then this app will work as per your choice.

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