Ladoo or lollipop seems confusing on technical world? Well, these are not eating stuff even new upcoming version of android. After announcing its latest version kitkat 4.4.2 now android is ready to come with new version of it with mystery name lollipop or ladoo. According to rumors Google has announced on its serious note that new version of android will be start from letter “L” and possibly it would be lollipop or ladoo. Lollipop is a desert and most desiring thing among the children and ladoo is sweet Indian sweet. So it sounds pretty interesting name of an android version. Let have some more information about this latest version.
Google is the top most IT Company and expectation of anyone is on urge. After launching its latest version of kitkat now Google has announced its latest version lollipop or ladoo. In the report of Google it can be clearly seen in all the details and there time is 5.00 clocks.
Here talking about time can be little bit confusing. Let’s know why we are talking about time stuff. The answer is the devices launched by Google itself shows time as their android version upon them. As we are talking about gingerbread then it shows 2.30 as the version of it is 2.3. In the same way if we consider lollipop or ladoo it shows 5.00 time means version may be 5.0.