Free Photo Management Alternative for Android and iOS

Tue 10 May 2016


12:52 pm

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Capturing photos is like a passion or a hobby for today’s people and mostly for the youngsters. You can’t guess that how many photos are taken by people’s every day. Because most of the ratio of people has smartphones in their hands and cause of which they never miss a single bit of chance of capturing photos. So the cause of that it’s sure that when these much of photos collect in the device then obviously you need photo manager also. so here we are going to suggest you few of Photo managements apps by using which you can easily make save your photos and can make organize them so by that when you need to see then, you have not to get puzzled for searching out that particular picture.


  1. Google Photos

Discussing Management system and have no talks about Google service, not possible because Google is the company which is offering their each and every kind of service for helping people. Google photos is also a service provides by Google which offers automatic backup, the powerful search engine to better sort and searches your photos. And the best thing is it gives unlimited storage for backup of photos.

  1. Crunch Gallery

Is your photos are with largest pixel Quality and cause of which you always struggle to keep all your photos and videos on your device. Crunch Gallery is one of the apps which help to reduce the size of your favorite photos and videos so by that you can store more pictures and videos.

  1. MyRoll

MyRoll App allows you to arrange and connect your photos for a more organized and meaningful look and it can highlight the best shots from your gallery for you. And the major feature is that if you give it access to your calendar then it can title your photos around specific events that occur around the same specific events that happen around the same time.

  1. FilesBoard

FilesBoard is an app for iOS only which comes in an interface similar to Pinterest and makes it easy to manage your videos and photos. And as well as it helps to manage your documents, bookmark, Music and many more things.

  1. Tidy

It’s an app which helps you to organize your photos with just one swipe and makers or developers of Tidy claims that it can clean up thousands of photos in minutes. In this App, Photos are grouped by place, time and by shape.



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