Many of time it happens that we get fed up with our computer performance and especially when we star up our computer. Do you also have the same problem with your computer that it takes too much time to get a start? And you wants to minimize it but have no clue that how to do this? Then here are some of the tips for making your window Boot faster. As we all know that speed up time is directly proportional to Boot time.
So here are the few tips to speed up computer’s start up time
1. Reduce start up
When the PC start most of the time consumes in Booting, CPU boots all the application and program which are in the start menu. So the app which is not as much useful and not comes in daily use, you should eliminate this from the start menu. By doing this boot time will get faster
To do so, click on start menu>> GO running>> type “msconfig”>>click Ok, after clicking ok “System configuration Utility ” window will appear in front of you now select Startup tab>>unselect the unnecessary item>> click Ok or hit Enter. Now Restart the PC>> warning will shoe at the time of star up “you have used the system config utility to change the way window start” just tick on ”Do not show this message again” and hit enter and you are done.
2. Make Disable unused Hardware
When a computer starts up, it loads lots of drivers and this consumes too much time to load, and many of them are unnecessary or unused for you. For doing this click on start>> write Device manager>> now a device manager window is in front of you>> Disable or uninstall the hardware according to your convenience.
3. Install Antivirus and keep it up to date
This is a one of best remedy than an actual boot speeding lean. Install a good antivirus according to you and always keep it update it will help a lot to speed up boot time because whenever any kind of malware detected it will handle it by itself and never allow to harm your PC anymore.
4. Remove needless Fonts
The window provides a facility to use more than 200 fonts especially window 7 loads 200 fonts at startup time and exactly we are using a very few of fonts from this so it will be good to disable or hide these fonts which or not even using by you. to do so >> go to start menu>> write font>> click on font folder>> now click the fonts which you don’t need and click on “Hide” option in above toolbar.
5. Upgrade Window or Operating System
Do you still using Window 7?? Then please switch to Window 8 or Window 10. It will really help to speed up boot time. Moving from window 7 To 8 will really affect your Pc’s performance in very good manner.
6. Upgrade RAM
If you are using new Computer then it’s not necessary but if you using an old computer with an old version of a window then it is must to upgrade your Ram. Ram will help you to speed up boot time.