How to Tighten Security on Your Android Device

Fri 1 Jul 2016


6:19 pm

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Phones are become like an addiction of people nowadays, without phone no one can imagine their life from talking to chatting, purchasing to sailing, planning to executing it, depositing money in bank to transferring amount all the thing people does by using their phone but people don’t know that using phone these much is not secure and if you are using android then it become more dangerous because comparison to Apple, Android phones are not given that much security to users and this is the reason as being of android user you should take few below given steps to make tighten security on your android phone.


  1. Lock all the apps

Lock all apps which containing some personal information that you don’t want to share with anyone. Ranges of apps are available on play store so simply go for it and search out the apps according to your choice and make use it.

  1. don’t save passwords

Many of people save their all passwords to their device and even when they do online shopping services they use. If you also do this they keep stopping this right now because if unfortunately, someone were to get your device then it can become very harmful for you because they will get your all passwords.

  1. Encrypt your data

Encrypting a data is like making your data secure by using passwords which only you know which help you to increase security. By using the password you can make your data secure.

  1. Install Antivirus software

Many of antivirus software are available in markets which are powers enough to save your data from outer harming effects. And the reason of that we strongly recommend you to install antivirus software.

  1. Avoid online transaction over Smartphones

As far as possible try to avoid online transaction over Smartphones if you want to do so then use your personal computer for it otherwise unwillingly you are inviting problems towards you.


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