Never DO this thing with you Computer

Tue 19 Jan 2016


1:16 pm

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Never DO this thing with you Computer

You do lots of things unintentionally with your PC and you have no idea  that this all can make your PC’s life shorter and as well as creates lot’s of problem inside which id invisible for you but it reflects on speed, working and many more thing of PC. SO here we are describing you few of things, which you shouldn’t do ever with you PC.




1. Don’t apply any type of cleaning solvent spray directly on the screen of laptop or computer. Use a clean cloth for it, spray a solvent on a cloth then use this cloth to clean your Pc’s Screen.

2. Never use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the inside parts of CPU because the cause of pressure of air, wiring can get damage.

3. If CD/DVD get stuck in Driver then never use the edge screwdriver to remove it, instead of this use flathead screwdriver for remove.

4. If a CD or DVD get damage then don’t use it in the driver because Today’s CD or DVD drives spin at a high rate of speed which can cause the disk to explode resulting in smash up.

5. If you suspect that something is going wrong with your hard disk then stop immediately using it. Don’t try to boot again and again by thinking that it will automatically fix or resolve the problems.

6. Never attempt to Replace a power supply fan because it has a capacitor that holds electrical charges even after the power supply is off.

7. Doesn’t trust on every software, which gives you believe that it will help you to improve your PC speed. Because nothing is particular software which can improve speed along with the software it needs tack care also.

8. Don’t download any kind of software because you have no idea that what kind of Malware, virus and adware it consist of. These all can make your PC speed slow and as well as it harms to your other files also.

9. Always plug your PC into a surge protector because it can control the voltage of electricity; never plug your PC directly in Wall socket.Use good Quality Antivirus always because it’s a thing which protects your PC from Disease and to get ill.

10. Use good Quality Antivirus always because it’s a thing which protects your PC from Disease and to get ill.



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