SEO or Google Adwords: Which is best for your Business?

Mon 12 Apr 2021


11:05 pm

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We all know that the digital marketing encompasses that a lot of the activities that have the common goal for helping a company to get the more traffic and leads the online sales. In the online marketing terms there are two of the most well known marketing terms are the SEO and Google Adwords. The difference between the two is quite clear. There are a lot of people who want to know that what are the differences between both of them. In simple words we can say that the SEO is unpaid or organic traffic. Google AdWords is considered paid traffic. Let’s discuss about both the topics step by step


SEO is mostly used in the terms of the digital marketing and it simply defines the series the activities to help out the website rank organically for the most important keywords. SEO campaigns are usually long-term investments that result in qualified “free” traffic. When we call this traffic free or unpaid, what we are referring to is that if someone sees your website listed organically and clicks on it, there is no payment required from your end for that. However, if you are hiring a full-service SEO agency, you can certainly expect to invest some funds in order to get you to this place.

SEO services include

Each internet marketing agency that offers SEO might approach their strategy a little differently. For us, it first begins with an in-depth discovery phase. We need to learn and understand your services, your target market, and your overall business.

We then do research to identify which keywords make the most sense for your business, which leads to the creation of an SEO strategy. This strategy will most likely include a mix of recurring blog posts, guest blogs, audits, and more.

How Long Does It Take For SEO To Work?

SEO helps make your website visible on the first pages of Google, Yahoo, and Bing, but there is no guarantee it will happen. As an agency, we would never promise we can get your website listed on page. We understand the factors that it takes to get you there, including marketing plans that will enhance your local SEO presence and others. SEO is a long-term investment and requires recurring attention.


Google AdWords falls into this search engine marketing category and it includes creating campaigns around specific keywords or demographics. You then launch those campaigns and will pay for any clicks or impressions you receive.

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