The Google online shopping event was supposed to run for three days from 11-13 December gracefully. If we compared it from the last year then it increase the expected traffic load from the last year. It’s extremely good news that this times many online retailer & shoppers directly visited this site. Overall this site offered discount on clothes, shoes & apparel is 30-35%, in other segment the offered discount on cell phone, electronics item & tablets was 10%.
According the report of internet & mobile association of India, In India also there are 205 million internet users & from that 213 million people reach likely on this end on the year. It also researched that mantra’s site enhance their traffic two times & revenue enhance is 3.5 times. Snap deal also enhance their sales 10 time from the previous year. Yebhi.com enhances their sales 4 to 5 times from the previous year. So in common you can say that the major impact & difference we see this year report.